1897: Elizabeth Hurley drunk in public; blames “bad husband”

In the summer of 1897, Elizabeth Hurley of London was convicted of being drunk and disorderly in public. She was sentenced to seven days’ hard labour – but Hurley demanded a stiffer sentence on account of her “bad husband”:


Also dealt with at the same sessions was 12-year-old Alice Candy, who was remanded into the custody of her parents for stealing two shillings – and spending it on candy. Meanwhile, a Mr H. Stephens of Finchley was fined 20 shillings for allowing his fox terrier to roam unmuzzled.

Source: The Standard, London, July 27th 1897. Content on this page is © Alpha History 2019-23. Content may not be republished without our express permission. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use or contact Alpha History.