1865: A citizen writes to Abraham Lincoln demanding “Peas”

In January 1865, US president Abraham Lincoln received an unsigned letter sent from Pittsburg. The letter was riddled with poor spelling and grammar, for which the writer apologised (“I am nervos and a poor schollor”). The focus of the letter, however, was unmistakeable:

“Dear friend, the Peapple is in for making Peas, yes Peas they wand and thay pray that you will make it… before the Lextion [election] there was Bills posted up evrewhere that you would make a change in the cabnet and would make Peas… the tok is about Peas but we cant see it and have not seen it… this cruel Ware has bin going long a nuf…”

I your Truly optaind Servend.”

Source: Letter to Abraham Lincoln, unsigned, Pittsburg, January 16th 1865. Content on this page is © Alpha History 2019-23. Content may not be republished without our express permission. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use or contact Alpha History.