Writing for history

writing for history

Like other branches of the humanities, history lives in and is dependent on the written word. Ever since the days of Herodotus and Plutarch, historians have relied on written texts to communicate historical narrative and meaning. This page discusses the importance of writing for history and some advice for doing it effectively.

New technologies, old skills

Despite the technological advances of the last two decades, not much has changed with regard to writing for history. New technologies have changed the ways that historical sources and written information are stored, shared and presented – but not the information itself. Modern historians still use documents, books, essays and other forms of writing to record their findings.

Despite the advent and the usefulness of new technologies, history students should still expect to undertake a sizeable amount of reading and writing. Success in history courses hinges not only on your interest in and knowledge of the past but your ability to write clearly and effectively.

A challenging task

There is no denying the challenges of writing for history. It is not a natural or innate talent; nobody is born a great historian or historical writer. Like other skills, they are learned, developed and practised over time. If you are taking a senior history course for the first time, it is best to think of your historical writing as a work in progress – it will improve over time.

As you read different historians, think about how they organise their writing; how they weave together narrative, evidence and analysis; and how they communicate with their readers. As you write and submit your own pieces, think critically about your writing and seek feedback from others.

With practice, advice and reflection, you will become an effective history writer. It is not an easy process: it will take time and cannot be hurried. As with many things, different students will progress at different speeds. The important thing is to work hard, be patient and remain positive.

Here are some general tips about writing for history. You can also find useful information on our page about writing history essays.

Plan your writing

When writing anything for history, always undertake some planning – do not leave the structure or the organisation of your writing to chance.

Starting a lengthy piece of writing without any planning, in the hope that it will ‘fall together’ or ‘work out’, is rarely effective. It is very difficult to structure and organise writing on the fly, even for skilled writers.

The longer the task, the more effort you should put into structuring and planning. Before drafting a long paragraph, extended response or essay, construct some kind of brief plan. It need not be complex: a list, some dot-points or a concept map is sufficient. This plan should provide a framework for the ideas, arguments and information you intend to present.

Think before writing, think while writing

This is an obvious piece of advice but one that is easily forgotten or overlooked. You should think continually during the process of writing, from start to finish.

Every sentence or complicated phrase should be fully conceived in your mind before you commit it to paper. A moment’s thought and mental planning before each new sentence or paragraph is often the difference between clear and effective writing and aimless waffling.

Pause before starting a new sentence and ask yourself what you intend to say and how you want it to sound. Read every sentence and paragraph when complete and think whether it says what you want it to.

Know your answer or contention

Most history writing responds to a problem, question or statement. Before starting to write you should have a clear contention – in other words, an argument or ‘answer’ that responds to the question or statement.

In an essay, your contention must be clearly expressed in the introduction. It should then be revisited and restated regularly through the body of your writing, then reiterated in the conclusion.

The contention is vital for two reasons. First, it shows that you have contemplated the question and formed a confident and cogent answer. Second, the contention should serve as the focal point or ‘backbone’ of an effective essay or extended response.

Plan and signpost

The first step toward well organised and effective writing is a good plan. The second step is to signpost as you write. A signpost is a sentence or phrase that shows the reader the direction your writing is going to take. Signposting can be used anywhere in your writing, though it is usually found in the introduction or in topic sentences (the opening sentence of a paragraph or section).

There are several different ways you can signpost. Some signposting is direct and obvious, e.g. “This essay will begin by examining the propaganda methods used by the Nazis before considering factors behind their rise to power in 1933.”

Rhetorical questions can also serve as signposts, e.g. “What factors led to the appointment of Hitler as chancellor in January 1933?” When discussing multiple points you can signpost by beginning each sentence with “First,” “Second,” “Third,” and so on.

Signposting will organise your ideas, prepare your reader for what to expect, and thus improve the structure and clarity of your essay.

Be clear, confident and direct

In history, the style and tone of your writing should be clear and straight to the point. You should aim to sound well informed and confident, even if you are not.

Write assertively and directly. State information and arguments as though they are beyond doubt. Avoid flowery or overly descriptive language, wishy-washy statements or irrelevant background information. Get straight to the point by addressing the question and outlining your contention.

Use shorter sentences wherever possible. Write in the active voice rather than the passive voice. Proofread your work carefully and, if possible, have someone else proofread it for you. A good test for clarity in writing is whether it can be fully understood after one reading – is this the case with yours?

Avoid hyperbole and cliché

Hyperbole (pronounced high-perba-lee) is language that is exaggerated, overly colourful or dramatic. It is used for colour or effect rather than historical accuracy. Examples of hyperbole might include “George Washington was a colossus of a man” or “the fall of the Bastille brought Europe to a standstill”.

A little hyperbole can certainly add colour and flair to writing but in most cases, it sounds silly. You should avoid using hyperbole and be wary of it, particularly when proofreading your final work. The best history writing is convincing because it presents evidence, facts and argument in a calm and rational manner – not because it employs dramatic language.

A cliché is a tired and overused expression or phrase. Most clichés started as creative and meaningful statements but have lost their meaning or impact over time, usually from overuse.

Some common cliches include “since the dawn of man”, “in the nick of time”, “survival of the fittest”, “history repeats itself”, “as good as gold”, “time flies” and “hook, line and sinker”. A comprehensive list of clichés can be found at clichésite.com.

It is almost impossible to write without any cliché at all, however, an essay or text with too much cliché will sound unoriginal, lacking in creativity and annoying. Be wary of clichés and try to limit them in your writing. It is much better to develop your own ways of expressing ideas and information.

Avoid generalisation

A common trap in history writing is the habit of generalising, especially when discussing nations, societies or other large groups of people.

Some common generalisations include statements like “the nobles distrusted the king”, “the peasants were all starving”, “the French people wanted reform” or “the nation rose up as one”. People are almost never this united, nor do they behave in such a uniform way. The larger the group, the more likely that it contained different conditions, ideas, opinions, loyalties and interests.

When writing about a large group, be sure to acknowledge that it contained different responses, views and perspectives. Doing so avoids generalisation and gives your writing greater depth and complexity.

Write as a neutral, not as character

History writing should demonstrate research, analysis and evidence, while articulating a compelling argument. It is not a forum for creative writing or personal viewpoints.

When writing for history, think of yourself as a reporter using information and sources to explain a particular issue or topic. Try to avoid getting bogged down in irrelevant facts or stories just because they sound interesting.

Write clearly, objectively and dispassionately. Avoid making value judgements or using emotive labels such as “evil”, “twisted” or “abhorrent”. Always write in the third person, as someone looking at the topic from a neutral perspective. Never write in the first person or use phrases like “I think…” or “In my opinion…”.

Use narrative, analysis and evidence

A common pitfall in writing for history is failing to strike a balance between narrative (describing what happened) analysis (explaining how or why it happened and why it was significant) and evidence (information from primary or secondary sources that supports your narrative and analysis).

Weaving these three things together is not an easy skill – but it is important. Too much narrative will make your writing sound like a story or a descriptive piece. Too much analysis will make your writing seem ‘dry’, abstract and convoluted. A lack of evidence will make your writing sound unconvincing and without authority.

Read a few paragraphs from a reputable historian and think about how they use narrative, analysis and evidence. Strive to achieve the same balance in your own writing, aiming for roughly equal parts of each.

Citation information
Title: ‘Writing for history’
Authors: Jennifer Llewellyn, Steve Thompson
Publisher: Alpha History
URL: https://alphahistory.com/writing-for-history/
Date published: September 30, 2019
Date accessed: July 27, 2024
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