J. Edgar Hoover: “Masters of Deceit” (1958)

In 1958 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director J. Edgar Hoover published a potted history of communism titled Masters of Deceit. In the final chapter, “How to stay free”, Hoover summarises what he believes are the goals of communism and why they will fail:

“We cannot afford the luxury of waiting for communism to run its course like other oppressive dictatorships. The weapons of communism are still formidable. They become even more effective when we lower our guard and when we become lax in strengthening our democratic institutions, in perfecting the American dream.

The call of the future must be a rekindled American faith, based on our priceless heritage of freedom, justice, and the religious spirit. In our reawakening, we Americans can learn a great deal from the fight against communism…

It is sad but true that many young people have been drawn into communist clubs or study groups. Often they are highly intellectual but lonely students and fall under a sinister influence. We know this from the experiences of hundreds of former communists and from acts of near-treason we have been called upon to investigate.

American education, of course, does not make communists; communist education does. Communism, to survive, must depend upon a constant program of education, because communism needs educated people, even though it distorts the use to which their education is put. Thus, we need to show our young people, particularly those endowed with high intellects, that we in our democracy need what they have to offer.

We, as a people, have not been sufficiently articulate and forceful in expressing pride in our traditions and ideals. In our homes and schools, we need to learn how to “let freedom ring”. In all the civilised world there is no story which compares with America’s effort to become free and to incorporate freedom in our institutions. This story, told factually and dramatically, needs to become the basis for our American unity and for our unity with all free peoples…

The communists stress action. This means carrying out our responsibilities now — not tomorrow, the next day, or never. To communists, the Party means continual action, not just talk, waiting for annual elections, meetings, or affairs. With us, action must supplement good intentions in building the America of the future. We need to provide our youth with activity groups. To give them only a high standard of material advantages or a constant diet of recreation is not enough. Recreation must be made part of a life of responsibility, otherwise, it becomes merely a preface to boredom. Our young people, as well as adults, need to be working members of our republic and citizens on duty at all times.

Communists accent the positive. In their deceptive and perverted way they are always purporting to stand for something positive. “Better,” “higher,” etc. are trademarks in their language. We, too, in the true sense of the word, should strive for goals that are genuinely better, higher, and more noble, trying to improve self, community, and nation…

The [Communist] Party’s effort to create ‘communist man’, to mould a revolutionary fighter completely subservient to the Party’s desires, is destined to fail. The power of bullets, tanks and repression will bulwark tyranny just so long. Then, as the Hungarian freedom fighters proved, man’s innate desire for freedom will flare up stronger than ever…

With God’s help, America will remain a land where people still know how to be free and brave.”