1886: Henri Blot, Paris’ sleepy necrophiliac

By day, Henri Blot was a young waiter in a Paris cafe; by night he was a sleepy necrophiliac with a taste for young dancers. Blot’s 1886 arrest and trial shocked the French capital.

Prominent court reporter and Le Figaro columnist Albert Bataille described Blot as “something of a pretty boy, 26 years of age, though he has a livid complexion and a feline quality in his physique”. According to Bataille’s account, in March 1886 Blot entered a small cemetery in Saint-Ouen shortly before midnight and:

“…went to a mass grave, to a cross marking the coffin of a young woman of 18, Femando Méry, a theatrical dancer buried the day before. He removed the soil and lifted the body of the girl onto an embankment. Setting the bouquets aside and kneeling on white paper, he practised his sordid work on the corpse. He then fell asleep, waking with scarcely enough time to leave the cemetery unseen, though not enough time to replace the body.”

An insane man was wrongly arrested for this crime, which allowed Blot to strike again. On June 12th, he broke into the grave of another young woman, a ballerina (Blot apparently had a thing for dancers). Again, he violated the corpse and again, he fell asleep next to it. This time, however, the snoozing Blot was discovered by the cemetery caretaker. He was quickly arrested and committed to stand trial for gross indecency and interfering with graves.

When interrogated by the judge about his motives, Blot’s reply was simple: “Everyone has their tastes; mine is corpses”. Blot was sentenced to two years’ in prison; his fate after this is unknown.

Source: Albert Bataille, Les Causes Criminelles et Mondaines, 1886. Content on this page is © Alpha History 2019-23. Content may not be republished without our express permission. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use or contact Alpha History.