Law on the Hitler Youth

In December 1936 the Reichstag passed this legislation, the Law on the Hitler Youth:

“The future of the German Nation depends upon its youth, and German youth will have to be prepared for its future duties. Therefore the Government of the Reich has prepared the following law which is being published herewith:

Section One
All of the German youth in the Reich is organized within the Hitler Youth.

Section Two
The German Youth besides being reared within the family and school, shall be educated physically, intellectually, and morally in the spirit of National Socialism to serve the people and community, through the Hitler Youth.

Section Three
The task of educating the German Youth through the Hitler Youth is being entrusted to the Reich Leader of German Youth in the NSDAP. He is the Youth Leader of the German Reich. The position of his office is that of a higher governmental agency, with its seat in Berlin, and is directly responsible to the Fuhrer and the Chancellor of the Reich.

Section Four
All regulations necessary for the execution and completion of this law will be issued by the Fuhrer.”