Robespierre advocates continued insurrection (1793)

Writing in his personal notes in June 1793, Maximilien Robespierre muses on disunity and threats to the government and supports the continuation of insurrection:

“There must be one will. It must be either republican or royalist. For it to be republican, there must be republican ministers, republican newspapers, republican deputies, a republican government.

Whilst the body politic suffers from revolutionary sickness and a divided will, the foreign war is a mortal illness. The internal dangers come from the bourgeois. To defeat the bourgeois, it is necessary to rally the people.

Everything was ready to place the people under the yoke of the bourgeoisie and send the defenders of the republic to the scaffold. They have triumphed at Marseilles, at Bordeaux and at Lyon. They would have triumphed at Paris but for the present insurrection.

The present insurrection must continue until the measures necessary to save the republic have been taken. The people must make an alliance with the Convention and the Convention must make use of the people. The insurrection must spread by degrees along the same lines. The sans-culottes must be paid and remain in the towns, rather than being sent to the front. They must be found arms, incited and enlightened.

Republican enthusiasm must be exalted by all means possible. If the deputies are merely sent home, the republicans are lost. The deputies will continue to mislead the departments, and their replacements will be no better.

[General] Custine: to be watched by new and trustworthy commissioners. Foreign affairs: alliance with the smaller powers; but impossible until we have a single national will.”